Friday, April 03, 2009

National Cherry Blossoms, 2009 Edition

Here I am back with some views of our visit to this year's cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C. You can see with the photos that we were probably two to three days early of capturing the "peak." However, many of the younger trees were in full bloom and those points around the Tidal Basin with the most sunlight also displayed full blossoms. One could visit the site each day during the blossoming of these trees and be treated to a new sight with every visit.

Our views for this trip were almost the exact opposite of those from the previous two years. This year we did not get any of the "above the walk" views we did previously, all because we started at the entrance of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial instead of the Jefferson Memorial. Also, because of the overcast and cold there few reflections on the water and not a duck in sight.

Here is today's edition of our last visit.

First glimpse of trees

For no particular reason many of my compositions include a trash can

Through the blossoms to the other side of the Basin

Close up of blossoms

Just blossoms

Across the Basin

Blossoms looking upward

Cork Tree estimated to be 80 years old

Gnarled roots


Close up of blossoms

Pink blossoms, the clouds allowed us to see the different shades of pink and white more clearly.

Hanging branch

Foreboding sky

Marine helicopter bearing inscription "United States of America" but it did not have President's seal. Barack was probably waiting – I can speculate can't I?

Looking back under branches

Gnarled tree.

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