Sunday, January 07, 2007

Another Boomer Reaches 60 --

Sandy Turned 60 on Friday, Oh My!!

Oh my, I let Friday pass without wishing my dear old (figuratively) friend Sandy a "Happy Birthday!" Sandy, is another of my sorority sisters who has been in my life for a long while now. She was my maid of honor when I married.

(This picture was taken a couple of months after our wedding. I know that she would not like me to share a picture of her in the "lovely" bridesmaid dress.)

Through the years we have had some wonderful times chatting, laughing and I am so fortunate to have known Sandy's parents and to share with her some excellent times with them. They were always the most incredible hosts at their home in McCall.

Sandy was the world traveller among my friends. She had lived in many stations abroad when she was growing up and her tales always entertained and enlightened those of us who had barely made it to the next town. She has continued to love travel to places far and near. I am always in awe as she describes where she has been and what happened while she was there.

Like almost all of the friends I hold dear, "Sandra Teresa" has a wonderful sense of humor. She is not a "I Love Lucy" slapstick kind of person but she has a delightful sense of fun and frivolity. She is one whose laughter I can hear when I think of her.

What makes this person so special is that once I decided who she was, she has remained just that -- a friend to end. A friend who loves the arts, travel, good food, good wine, and good friends.

I am so proud of Sandy and what she has done. She is the Executive Director of the Idaho State Board of Nursing. It suits her, just as being a nurse at the Brigham in Boston suited her; just as being sorority president suited her; just as being the head ear piercer suited her. But, mostly, I am proud to call her "dear friend." To me, that suits her just fine.

Happy Birthday Sandy. I am sorry this is late. Hope you had a marvelous one and that we all have many more happy times together.

Thank you for being a friend.

1 comment:

Terry Grant said...

Carla, you are so good at remembering everyone's birthday! What a special person Sandy is--how can she be 60? I know the rest of us have gotten older, but Sandy never changes. In my mind she is still my sweet, funny roomy of 40 years ago. Happy Birthday Sandy!