If today is May 21 then today is Cindy's birthday. I have known Cindy since August of 1996. She is a key to the smooth operations of the Spokane SBDC. More than that, Cindy was my right arm for the time I spent there. She made sure that that my every need was met. It would have been difficult for me to succeed without her assistance at almost every turn. Cindy became a dear friend and I miss seeing her everyday.
Cindy is a devoted wife and mother. She always is putting the needs of others ahead of hers. She is very intelligent and articulate. She loves water and everything asssociated with it -- fish, sailing, SCUBA, cool breezes, warm breezes, and the like. She seems to be happiest when she is by or in the water.
So, dear, instead of flowers or a lunch, I am sending you an ocean of wishes for a very happy day for now and for always.